Croydon Cyclists
Croydon LCC Group
Draft Sutton Sustainable Transport Strategy 2020-2025 Consultation
The draft document is linked right at the bottom of the consulation page, again here
from 1.3
Everyone benefits from sustainable transport because it means that we are:
• Keeping the air cleaner through alternative travel choices, such as walking, cycling to work, using public transport or using electric vehicles, while improving public health;
• Improving safety for travellers, especially for people with disabilities, children, older residents and other vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists;1.13 In July 2019, the London Borough of Sutton declared a climate emergency, and pledged to make the borough carbon neutral. Air quality improvements and carbon reduction are byproducts of, and some of many reasons for, sustainable transport.
from section 4
Cycle mode share is low, 1.1% of all journeys and among the lowest share in London.
5.7 Essentially, more people in Sutton are choosing to use their car for journeys of less than 2km than anywhere else in London.
See Section 6 re. cycling.
6.12 The existing number of cycling trips made each year in Sutton is 7,700, out of a total in outer London of 208,200 trips.
However, there is a potential for 234,900 daily cyclable trips, which would mean that 3% of all borough journeys would be by cycle. This
figure is higher than boroughs of similar size and population such as Harrow, Merton and Richmond upon Thames.
6.13 As with walkable trips, Sutton also has the highest number of potentially cyclable trips per resident that are currently made by a motorised mode of travel22.Targets include
Appendix F : no mention of cycleways
also saw under Developer checklists:
G6g) The Council, landowners, developers, infrastructure providers and funding agencies will work together to implement the place-based projects in the Sutton Public Realm Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (adopted January 2020).
G6h) The Council, landowners, developers, infrastructure providers and funding agencies will work together to implement the Liveable Neighbourhoods schemes and to bid for and implement future schemes where possible. -
Review of the Highway Code
Goverment Review of HWC
Micromobility - Future of Transport Call for Evidence
A discussion about the Dept for Transport's new Call for Evidence about changing the law regarding e-scooters and other similar vehicles.
Sutton's Climate Emergency Survey
In July 2019, Sutton Council declared a climate emergency and agreed a target of reducing carbon emissions in the borough to zero.
Urgent action is required to stop the worst effects of climate change on Sutton, and on the world.
Foresters Drive Highway Improvement Programme
We are proposing three traffic safety measures on Foresters Drive at its junction with Great Woodcote Park, Mollison Drive and Apledoorn Drive, Wallington.
We are focusing on the section of Foresters Drive between Great Woodcote Park and Mollison Drive, which is forming phase 1 of the programme ready for consultation. Phase 1 consists of the following proposals;
- Mini-roundabout at Mollison Drive at its junction with Foresters Drive (to slow traffic and assist pedestrians) and associated parking restrictions
- Kerb build-out (footway extension) at Apeldoorn Drive at its junction of Foresters Drive (to improve visibility of the junction) and associated parking restrictions
- Mini-roundabout at Great Woodcote Park at its junction with Foresters Drive (to slow traffic and assist pedestrians) and associated parking restrictions
All of the above proposals are shown in the overview plan below and details of each proposal are shown on the next page.
Highway Code changes
A bill is being put forward to sentence any cyclist convicted of dangerous cycling to a 14 year prison term.
Demand Responsive Bus Trial
Two phases firstly to the West of Manor Road / London (Wallington), the second to the East.
It looks like an Uber fleet of 6-8 economical 14 seater buses.
Following consultation:
We will then report on the outcome ahead of the launch of the 12 month trial.
It should be noted that as a research trial, collecting feedback from users as well as other groups to understand feedback from non-users too will continue throughout the 12 month trial.
Check the TFL site for more
Key points:
What are we proposing?
This is a trial service that does not have a fixed route or schedule, but ‘responds’ to the request to be picked up by the customer. It can be booked at the desired time of travel, primarily through an app, and provide real time updates to customers of vehicle arrival time and guarantees a seat for confirmed bookings.
The service will run using up to eight Mercedes Cityline Low floor Sprinter 14 seater vehicles. The vehicles will be Euro VI compliant bringing them in line with the Ultra Low Emission Zone vehicle standards, and will be fully wheelchair accessible.
Sutton's Parking Consultation Stage 1
From the council page (Note says this is South of Sutton, map not that clear so don't trust the area used here on cyclescape)
With the fourth highest car ownership levels in London, and residents telling us that parking is a major and growing concern, our Parking Strategy aims to improve local parking and traffic situations across the borough.
Our parking consultation will be rolled out in three phases, with each phase covering different locations across the borough. This Stage 1 Parking Consultation kicks off the second phase, where we'll be consulting with some residents in the Sutton South, Cheam & Belmont and Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee areas, as shown in the map below.
Responses to this Parking Survey will help us understand about parking on your street. Whether you have parking problems or not, we’d like to hear from you as all feedback will be fed into parking and traffic management proposals being made for your street.
Draft Air Quality Action Plan Consultation
The London Borough of Sutton's revised Air Quality Action Plan, draft for consultation (6 December 2018 to 6 February 2019).
Get Sutton Cycling produced a short film in 2017 "Air Pollution in Sutton: how it affects you and how cycling can help"
Bromley Local Implementation Plan 3
Bromley says:
The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) is a statutory document, required by the Greater London Authority Act 1999, which sets out how we intend to implement the Mayor's Transport Strategy (MTS) within the borough.
Each borough has to produce a Local Implementation Plan which must be approved by the Mayor.
We are consulting on our third Local Implementation Plan for Transport (LIP3). This sets out the borough's approach to transport, including our ambition to improve road safety and reduce road danger, and investment priorities for both the next three years as well as in the longer term to 2041 at a more strategic level.
Bromley's LIP3 sets out how the council will deliver and work with partners such as rail operators to deliver an efficient and high quality transport network that safely supports borough residents, visitors to the borough for work and leisure and the borough's economy.
Bromley's population is expected to increase, with the level of population growth presenting challenges for the borough's transport networks. If this growth in demand for travel were to be accompanied by an equal growth in car use, congestion would get worse, with slower journeys for residents and businesses and a probable deterioration in air quality. To accommodate the projected increase in demand for travel, we need to make the most efficient use of the capacity we have on our transport networks. Given this, the LIP3 outlines the borough's priorities, which include improving road safety by reducing collisions and casualties on the roads, making it easier to walk and choose to cycle, reducing congestion and working with partner organisations to deliver new public transport connectivity such as between the borough's main centres and for example Canary Wharf.